Here's a list of the current staff here at Bellefonte, with links and information about their job descriptions and how to contact them.
Mel * (Administrator) Chatango Name: xMelusine Link to Staff Profile:here Job Description: Coding and general site maintenance, applications, affiliates
Robbo * (Global Moderator) Chatango Name: Robbo9898 Link to Staff Profile:here Job Description: Cbox monitoring, applications
Raz * (Moderator) Chatango Name: Magnaraziel Link to Staff Profile:here Job Description: In charge of applications, advertisements
Kam * (Moderator) Chatango Name: Kamrynn Link to Staff Profile:here Job Description: Advertising, applications
Femme * (Moderator) Chatango Name: FuzzyFemme Link to Staff Profile:here Job Description: Claims, archiving, open thread directory, retiring characters that haven't posted in 30 days, general site clean up
Puppy * (Moderator) Chatango Name: ThePuppyMaster Link to Staff Profile:here Job Description: Applications, lending a helping hand
Remember to check out the open threads and the plotters for new plots and threadage!